you have blessed my heart, i miss you.

There's a peice of warmth you left behind in my heart when you left this place. As i am growing old, i am missing you more maybe because there's noone i can hug and cry when life gets overwhelming. You know, i want to tell someone how days turn into nights, how when i sit in cafeteria, i look for a familiar face, but i dont know how to approach people, i want to tell you how when i am waking down the lane to my home, i am watching clouds moving with me, how celling looks at night when the stars i have put illuminates, how people only like me when i make them laugh, how they only like me when i am laughing, how i want to cry, how i want to scream, how i want to diappear, how i want to tell you that i no longer write poetries, how things are getting heavier everyday, how i have no reason to cry, how i am still crying, how i miss you so much, how i want to wish you on your birthdays, how life is just going on and how i am already 21. 

When winters will come, nights will be longer again and you will shine through the night's moonlight in front of my eyes. I miss someone i am no longer, i miss someone who is no longer with me. 

When my playlist plays your song, i listen to it as it's a new one to me. When i hear your audio clips, i reply to it as if we are talking right now. When i will leave this city, i will carrry you in my heart because there's a peice of warmth you left behind in my heart when you left this place. 

There will be no words in any language to tell you how much I miss you.
You have adorned the sky since you have left the earth, you have blessed my heart with your presence in it. Thankyou.


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