i was just so tired.

I just realized it that people dont change. Because we are all just walking museums of our past wounds, traumas, promises of our ex lovers, learnt coping mechanisms of our childhood, insecurities and neglected emotional needs when we were too young to ever understand the consequences of it.

So, If someone doesn't change for you, or their behavior that triggered you or the pattern that you only wished could be eradicated from this relationship then everything would have worked well or you wished your anxious heart could just stop messing it all, but the truth is people dont change and trust me you can't change someone if they dont want to change for you.

Hope is an addictive pill. You hope for one more chance and everything will actually change, everything will work. But this is how years go in vain and you should stop doing it now. Sometimes just listen to your heart and you will know it all – why it never worked.

This was supposed to be my last text to him but often it's better not sending it because all these years, my words fell on deaf ears so I would just put it here –
" Someday, you’ll find yourself alone, in those empty hours, and a part of your heart will skip a beat and your mind will catch it. In that moment, you’ll miss me more than you ever did throughout all the years we spent together. You’ll realize, in the stillness, that I did everything for us—I gave all I could—and yet, you made me feel less than I deserved.

But it’s okay, because that was how the script was written. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, you followed the path set before us. If it hadn’t been that way, I would have never left. I would have never found my healing or moved forward.

In that moment, I realized something too—I deserve more. I deserve the best.

Until the next time we meet, in whatever form, in whichever dimension, I hope we both grow into better versions of ourselves. And if by chance or tragedy we don’t, I hope we forgive each other like always, with grace. "


  1. I love your blog, I live, I learn, I see through your heart,
    I flow, I grow, getting a new meaning of life and feelings.

    I'd love to share with you and all, I know it's your diary, but you can think of it as a sticky note.
    Why people mostly trying to change the others? And when it's they failed they a pressure on the other side or like threat them. Last year I lost a lover..., again , since young age I used to it .
    I lost many of my close people, close friends, family, and lovers, and the journey keeps going.
    Each one have their own story. And I learned the lessons in many different ways. And I'm still learning.

    Recently i have been through new experience about changing people, I lost a lover that she tried to change me , (maybe as you said it's a script was writte, but that's another story), I'm not gonna say that she failed but I'll say she wasn't patient enough. I do wanted to change, but some people thinks it's easy thing to do . We have a saying that says education at a young age is like engraving on stone. That means it's very difficult to do But I didn't say it's impossible, like walking, it's easy thing to do right? Wrong. Since born we crawl and we try hard to stand and it took years to just stand up and walk for first time the thing that you're not used to do. And even not only babies, Astronauts, just look at them, they are old but because of their habit of space, look how they can't stand or walk easily. If you tries to grow a plant it will take a time.The point is if you want


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