love is a verb, my child, not just a word.
There are different kinds of love in this world like warm love, compassionate love, anxious love, avoidant love, secure love, emotionally fulfilling love, disappointing love, arrogant love, kind love, attentive love, sensitive love, joyful love, consistent love, inconsistent love, romantic love, passionate love, gentle love, fierce love, impatient love, burning love, calming love, silent love, loud love ...and the list will go on for long.
And despite of all these kinds, you will always get to choose the type of love you want, you need and feel deserving of.
And I will always choose a love that will calm my nervous system, that will always make me feel emotionally safe, where everything is workable, where everything can be communicated with love. I will always choose a love that will sit by my side in silence too, a love that will assure me not with words adorned with love but one that is full of actions, a love where I don't have to prove my worth daily, a love which I dont have to earn daily, a love that is calming, consistent, powerful, respectful, kind soothing, and warm. A love that is passionate, loud but still always peaceful.
Wow, just wow and what a magnificent speech (Hats off and claps)