what has changed in all these years?

Now that i look back, i feel, that the little me earlier had so much to say. She wore her heart on her sleeves, she wanted to tell her every story, she wanted to give life to her every feeling by putting it down in words. It's not like she failed at expressing, also its not like she didn't say everything out. She did great. She expressed herself out but noone actually heard her really. 

To hear words, or to hear her, there's a difference. Myabe my words were heard but not me. Now that i am here in my room, lying in my bed at afternoon listening to the universe singing me a lullaby, i feel i am more at peace now. It's not like i don't have anything to say or tell like those days because i still have a lot to say. My mouth is always overflowing with words, and my heart is always screaming everything out loud but the only thing that has changed is that i dont want to tell my stories to anyone other than me. As i grew up, i realized to say everything out loud is a type of misery but to hold everything inside is too a type of misery. 

Ashaz once said to me, " I was always just noone to anyone. "
I replied patiently, " But you were always someone to me." 


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