since when did loving become so tiring?

    They say, " to play in love " 
         But I always fall.

Now I am tired. I do not understand the rules of love. I do not understand when they say to play in love, because I often fall in love. I do not know what to do, how to not show attention, how to not give too much love. I want freedom in love, and do whatever I want to do. 

You want to tell how much you love someone? Go tell. You want to tell you are hurt right now? Go tell. You want to pick their calls on the first ring? Go pick. You want to tell your favorite song to them? Go tell. You want to use your whole fucking night to talk to them? Go talk. That's love. Instead of trying to play out, not picking calls, not doing this, not doing that. Holding back is not love. This is not love for me because i am tired. Since when did loving required so much of thinking? I thought we all are fools in love. 

Do you know who the coolest person out there in this world is? 

The one who is not cool at all for other people. 

Cool is when you dont try to be cool. Cool is when you are who you are without worrying about how other people will take you as. All my high school days went by thinking about what it really means to be cool? Now that I am in univeristy and i see the world everyday, I realize, for me, the coolest person in the class, in the subway, in the restaurants, on the street is the one without pretense. 


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