You can have the whole world and still yearn for one person

You can have the whole world
And still yearn for one person
You can have all the love to give
And still hate someone passionately 
You can have a party at this moment 
And still feel like you're holding a funeral
You can be surrounded by a huge crowd of people 
And still miss someone desperately 
You can listen to songs you love
And still nothing might ever hit the right strings of your heart that once someone's voice did
You can have all the happiness in this world
And still nothing might take away your sorrows
You can hear the deafening music in a ballroom watching everyone dance
And still you hear nothing more loudly than your own heart beating 
You can have your script all prepared 
And still you feel at loss of words when you meet him
You can say say say say and keep saying
And still feel only misunderstood 
You can do do do and do everything for them 
And still hear them calling you selfish 
You can sob sob sob every tear
And still feel heavy 
You can write write write
And still feel too much is left
You can sleep sleep sleep
And still feel time is only lagging behind
You can make someone your best friend 
And still feel like you're not theirs 
You can hold onto someone 
And still be abandoned 
You can breathe deeply
And still feel choked 
You can be a rainbow in the sky
And still feel you are nothing too great
You can hope for today to not end
And still tomorrow will come
You can tell someone a secret
And still hear it become a gossip 
You can trust someone 
And still have trust issues
You can eat everything in your plate
And still feel hungry
You can smile so bright 
And still feel like crying any minute
You can accept someone's apology
And still never forgive 
You can ask someone to never call you again 
And still hope to watch your phone ringing with their name on
You can pretend to hate someone 
And still know you love them too hard
You can be angry
And still watch your anger melting into tears
You can list down your rules in love
And still see yourself breaking your own rules for someone who never loved you for even ones
You can try to be a crazy wrench 
And still know you're still an emotion wrench inside
You can have a blurry memory of someone 
And still remember their name, birthday and words they said to break your heart
You can believe someone's words
And still not believe them at all
You can be honest 
And still know you are only lying 
You can be everything someone needs
And still feel like you are nothing
You can be someone's inspiration 
And still feel like a loser inside 
You can earn all you want
And still be unsatisfied 
You can have this world in your arms
And still crave for just someone you couldn't have
You can despise someone everyday 
And still beg yourself to forgive them 
You can mess up at times
And still love yourself for your clumsiness 
You can hold onto stories, people
And still slowly, gently let them go
You can love someone immensely 
And still not feel loved by them 
You can have everything 
And still choose to complain
You can call yourself insane
And still be sane 
You can have your plate
And still look into others
You can feel lonely in places
And still not accept you were only lonely within yourself all along 
You can meet the same old lover
And still not feel anything 
You can say nothing heals
And still find yourself healing
You can cry cry cry, say its heavy 
And still slowly feel the weight being lifted up
You can be impatient 
And still know time is all you need 
You can expect too much
And still know it's the reason behind your suffering 

You can have the whole world
And i hope you share it with others
You can have hate for someone 
And i hope you realize loving is easy
You can despise someone everyday 
And i hope slowly you forgive them and yourself too
I hope you never become the reason behind someone's suffering
I hope when you get the chance to apologize, you do it with sincerity 
I hope when you cry, you know you will smile too
I hope when things go hard, you will be easy on yourself 
I hope when someone leaves, you only always let them go
I hope you forgive 
I hope you forgive 
I hope you forgive 
I hope you forgive yourself first
Forgiving them is your choice
And forgetting too
But if you ask me, i'll say forgive them, seeing them as a kid who has still a lot to learn, who was suffering too
But remember don't be their teacher, don't go and teach them what they never learned because noone taught you all this and you learnt alone in your life
Leave them, let them go
Your love will always come back in different forms, at different times, in different situations and from different people
Forgive everyone please
It's for your own sake
I hope everyone forgive you too


  1. After reading this, my heart feels the same as this "❤️‍🩹" emoji, as this blog signifies healing for me.

  2. While reading it felt like someone laid my soul out all naked n bare
    i felt like this piece should never end
    fab it was


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