i want to feel safe, i only want to feel safe

For these winters, i want my world to be painted in yellow color. Lighter and darker strokes of it everywhere around me. For these winters i want my heart to be safe, please just safe.

I always believed that there's this canvas in everyones heart, painted with different colors depicting different stories. Mine has been pink, red, and blue lately. But I want my slate to be clean. I dont want any color on it anymore, i dont want any stains. I want it to feel just safe these winters. No more stories, no more vibrant colors, leave it just white, let it be innocent again. It has witnessed enough of this world. Let it be naive once again to trust people.
let it be plain, let the colors be white please, i want to feel safe, i only want to feel safe.

Yellow has been my favorite color. It's warm, it calms my heart, it makes me feel safe, it is bright, it is peaceful, it is that feeling of being at home, it is like a friend to me. I can stare at it for long hours and fall asleep in its presence. It's like summers, it's like sun.

These winters, leave my heart, forget everything. Someone told me, " it hurts only because we remember things" Let it go then, set it free. For these winters i want to feel safe, i want to feel at home, i want to feel free.

I don't want the good people to ever get hurt in this world because that might change them and they would no longer be kind. This thought makes me sad because i believe in this world only because of them. I hope kinder people meet kinder people, but i also hope unkind people meet the kindest people too. 

I have written so much about my heart because it has taken away so many years from me either because it was in pain or it was in love. Both these feelings follow each other. You can't feel the first one without the latter one. That's tragic right?

These winters, i hope your heart is warm, 
I hope it is safe.


  1. When you know those people belong to you...,you always feel secure and safe with them ✨

  2. I came back here only to tell you that you are safe with your people.


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