
There's a playground in my head, we are playing there and we are just six again.

 Even when i was young
I wasn't in hurry to grow up
But somedays i wanted to escape school
So i wished to be older soon

I have backspaced a lot, i think this is also the thing we acquire as we grow up, we think too much before we can speak. 

In my head,
I am running in lush green fields, i have no future, i have got no past there. I am free, my heart is no longer in pain and my back is not burdened with responsibilities.

When i was small and there used to be complete blackout at my home, i used to ask my dad again and again, when light will come back. He used to say, light has taken rickshaw and now it is coming, coming, coming, slowly, slowly, just here, now, just going to arrive in 1, 2 and, and, and 3. 
Back in those days, i really believed it. Back in those days, magic was real to me. 


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