who am i to you?

You asked me, " who am i to you ? " 

i asked myself for days, weeks, and months 

who are you to me?

You are a forgotten song's name with broken lyrics that i remember, you are that letter in my draft because i never knew how to end it, you are all those 206 voice recordings in my phone that makes my storage full but i still don't delete, you are that weird me because i feel we are similar, you are that lane that still welcomes me warmly despite of being strangers, you are that benchmate who doesn't talk much but still passes a smile back to me, you are that excitement of knowing classes have been canceled, you are that random thought of why we met and that one question to wonder, how life would have been if we hadn't met each other, you are my longings on a night when i dial your phone number but don't call, you are that one percent probability in my head that assures me of bumping into you on a subway station, you are my dearest friend because i care for you, you are my acquaintance because we studied together, you are my enemy because somedays you hurt me and i hated you, you are my soulmate because i just wanted to believe it that way, you are my tragedy because meeting you made my life upside down, you are my heartbreak because you really broke my heart so many times, you are my insomnia because now i no longer doze off at 10, you are my star because even though we live in the same city, distances put us apart.

Who are you to me? 

If not a broken promise

If not a bleak future 

If not a hurtful past 

Who are you to me?

If not my desirations and longings

Who are you to me?

Who am i to you?


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