moving on

It's over not means its the end, but rather completion, our story is complete now.
I'm letting go of us and someday we will turn back to see how beautifully we are still carved in all our yesterdays, in all of our pasts. You'll be my soothing memory on a tough day. 
              — goodbye 

There are some things not meant for you, stop holding onto them so tightly, let them go back from where they came. Let everything be at peace. Dont force anything. 
I'll let us go now.

Somedays i am hearing us on the audios
Somedays i am passing by our lanes
Somedays i am hearing your name being called by a random stranger
Somedays i am watching our pictures
Somedays i am hating over us
Somedays i am forgiving us 
Somedays i am hoping that you'll call
Somedays i am done with all of this nonsense with my luggage all packed, i'm ready to leave
Somedays i am texting you hi, only to save it in drafts
Somedays i am wondering why still your chapter is my favorite 
Somedays i am asking my wounds to heal
Somedays i am catching myself thinking about you 
Somedays i am realizing how peaceful life is without you
Somedays i am sad 
And Somedays i am contented without you 

There're stories, no matter how many times you read, how many times you change the characters, roles, dialogues, the ending will always be the same.
That’s how our story was

How many chances do you take
How many chances she is ready to give
You'll be tired of thinking everything be alright 
She will be drained because one day she will have nothing more to give
What would you do on such a day ?
It is when two people say goodbye
It is when they part ways 
It's when they realize, 
it was never meant to work their way
I think our story 
was the same, intensely tragic
Because i believe in destinies 
And some stories are destined to be sadly over and never after

Moving on is a process which has sub parts like venting out, acceptance, forgiveness,  healing, self reflection and self love. 

There'll be days when we will be preoccupied by our thoughts, wondering why things couldn't work but acceptance will be all we'll have.

When you choose to close a chapter 
When you choose to walk away from someone
Choose it with love, not with agony and hate

Note for you
"Even though our story is over, I'll always be glad that we crossed paths"
                                 — from Uttarakhand 


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