my grave

" If you are missing someone right now, go and tell them, it's not too late yet. "

Death is certain 
Why are you scared of ghosts 
You'll be one of them someday 

I said, " It's there, It's there, It's almost there" he said, " What?"
— My longest sleep

The world is a chaotic place and when i die, i don't want to be burnt into ashes. I want to be buried to enrich the earth, to enrich the soil, and to enrich life

When i will be closing my eyes, i will singing the melody of peace, and i want my lover to not cry even single tear of grief but rather bid me goodbye happily. Death is certain, i am not terrified of it. If it won't happen, someday the sun will engulf all of us so it's better to sleep peacefully when your time will come.

They say, " don't look for death, death will find you " 
So in this moment, i'll live, i live to my fullest.
You must live, live and have lot of fun because when time comes, we, humans only regret and fear.

Put me near the sea where i could hear the susurration of the plunging waves, where i could hear the desperation of the tides to touch the land, where i could see the sun melting down, and where i can feel the calm of midnight clouds. Lay me down with no sorrows. I want to witness the moon surfing over the sea. So dont long for me, don't be sad for me because this is the only reality of life, you must say goodbye at the end.

But if you can't burry me there,  put me in mountains, at some hill top from where i could see the glimmering citylights, hear the grazing cattles, and feel the cool breeze, snow, rain and sunshine over my decaying skin and brittle bones.

To everyone i loved,
I think the world is so small,  perhaps that's why we bump into our people every now and then and label it coincidence but i think life is even smaller than this world and so today if your friend wants to see you, dont give excuses, dont push it on tomorrows, go and meet them. If you are in love with someone but are scared of confessing, take that leap of faith, because love means love, it shouldn't carry the greed of wanting to be loved back so just go and tell, you love them and you care for them. Every second is passing by, tomorrow is uncertain, all we have is today, right now, this moment. So don't hate anyone. Forgive them gently. 
We are all struggling here 
for our place in this world so be kind to everyone's heart. Be kind to yourself too!


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