sounds that have always comforted me

Sounds that have always comforted me:

Clinking spoons and bowls when people eat,
Water pouring in the glass when you wake up thirsty in the middle of the night,
Slurping hot noodles,
Family laughing together,
Pattering of rain on the roof,
The voice of thunder,
Ripple sounds when you throw a stone in a pond,
Cutting of clogs of wood amidst a dense forest,
Sound of a sigh,
Breaking of a chocolate to give another to someone,
Tintinnabulation of wind chimes,
Rustling of leaves,
Splashing of water,
Crashing of waves,
Whispering of the breeze,
The breath of pages,
The sizzling of food on a pan,
The cracking of spices in hot oil,
The bubbling of stew on the stove,
The crackling of a fire on a cold night,
The chirping of crickets in the stillness of the evening,
The distant hum of a train passing in the night,
The gentle creak of a rocking chair,
The clatter of raindrops on an umbrella,
The whooshing sound of leaves being swept by the wind,
The hum of a ceiling fan on a quiet afternoon,
The faint jingle of keys,
The gentle tinkling of ice cubes in a glass,
The rustle of clothes caught in a breeze, just before they flow away,
And at last, your voice.


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