sharing this because i learnt it hard way

1) Detachment is the only way to live a more       emotionally fulfilled life away from all the anxiety 

2) What is yours, will always make its way to you whether it's a person or an opportunity 

3) Accept people for who they are, their nature and everything. Don't try to change someone. And same goes for you, don't change yourself for anyone. If any of your habits retards your personal growth, or the growth of your close relationships, it's good to look at them and try to build healthy habits.

4) There are 7 billion people in this world, 
so when someone rejects you or proves that s/he can't reciprocate those efforts and feelings you have, it's a blessing. Firstly respect that the person didn't use your feelings against you and secondly you are now open to wider possibilities. 
You can now move on and meet new people.

5) Don't fall in love with someone's potential to be a great partner to you. Because it is all in your head because in reality how that person is behaving must not be ignored. Be in reality, see how the person is right now. Don't hold onto false hopes and a future that doesn't exist yet. 

6) It's disrespectful to yourself when you wait for someone to choose you in future even when they have already rejected you at this moment.

7) You deserve a love that is passionate enough, where the person willingly makes this choice every second, every minute to be with you, and by your side. 

8) In the end what doesn't work for you, actually worked for you. You will just realize it a little later.

9) Everybody has a different way of loving you. They might not be able to love you just exactly the way you want to be loved but that doesn't mean they dont love you. 

10) Communication is not only just in words. Sometimes it's in silence, in giving space to others and understanding everybody needs their time to rejuvenate.

11) Don't fear losing people even when I know we all go through this when someone's behavior changes slightly. Accept all the possibilities that are making you anxious. Write it down for yourself. Maybe yes, they will not really talk to you again, and it's hard to accept but it's okay, you did all you could do to have them in your life. Now accept that you are just losing someone who is fine with losing you.

12) If you are courageous enough to say goodbye to someone, you will be surprised with a new hello. Sometimes you have no idea what you can get until you let go of what you have.

13) The world is so big, the possibilities are so many. We will never even cross paths with half of the population on this earth, but still there are many people yet to come in your life. You never know how much someone can love you, how much someone will mean to you. So don't worry when things go wrong and your favorite person becomes a stranger. Life has a different story for you. Until then love yourself a little more.

14) When someone puts blame on you or assumes things, it's because they are hurting inside. It has nothing to do with you or your worth. Understand that. If they are important people to you, you can clear those misunderstandings.

15) When someone is hurt, it's not about what is right and what is wrong, who is right, who is wrong. It's all about validating how that person is feeling at that time. That's all we need when we are hurting.

16) Even when someone doesn't validate your emotions, those are still real, and true. Those feelings are still valid whether someone acknowledges them or not

17) How someone feels for you can be seen through their actions. How someone goes out of their way to just make you feel a little better shows how much they care for you.

18) Every connection should be two way. 
      It has to be 50-50
Otherwise it will end sooner or later.

19) Life is too short to surrender to a mediocre love or friendship. You deserve someone who loves you for who you are and chooses you daily over everyone. You are not an option for someone. 

20) In this era of macho men with aggression, with six packs, look for men who are sensitive, who are not afraid of crying or seeking emotional support. They will teach you how loving and supporting a man can be.

21) Don't make fun of how someone looks, or their physical appearance because you are not criticizing them, you are criticizing the creator who made him, who made you, and all of us. So i can surely guarantee, he will answer to you on their behalf.

22) God is the best artist and script writer of all time. Trust him. Love yourself. 

23) Meditation and Journaling are really two powerful tools. They will soothe your nervous system if practiced daily.

24) In this world all problems have only 2 solutions whether it's your career,                        relationships, family, and health. 
              First: self improvement 
              Second : patience

25) Remember at the end everything makes sense. 

26) Life goes on, no matter whether you are working hard or sulking in a corner of a room. Life just goes on. 

27) If you want to be understood, understand first

28) Go for running when your head is in chaos. Feel the breathlessness while you are running, feel your heartbeat, watch the sky, spend time in nature.

29) Control your head, your head shouldn't control you.
There is a quote I personally love : 
You can't choose which bird will fly over your head, but you can choose which bird will make a nest on your head.

30) If you have your family, don't take it for granted, spend time with them.

31) Express your love for people you genuinely care about and never feel embarrassed. It's okay to drop a text if you missed them or you love them because life is so uncertain.

32) At the end, remember everyone is having their own battles to deal with. So forgive them, and forgive yourself.

33) In the end, don't lose yourself choosing someone.


  1. I'm so touched by your letter. It's clear how much you care, and it really resonated with me. You're an amazing friend!


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