message to my younger self

Shruti I feel you will never be this young again, but you can always be young at heart. Life is so short, every moment is fleeting by your side and i don't want you to grieve over your memories, rather i want you to live fully every single day, every moment at your best. 

I want you to have fun, and not to be too much immersed in sadness. Everything passes by, and this phase will too regardless of how happy or sad this phase is. 

Shruti i think life goes on and this is one of the biggest lessons of my life. We can't control life, or what happens to us. Sometimes things don't go as we wish, sometimes people we want the most leaves us in dark. But that is life, it happens, and nothing stops, the clock keeps on ticking, days turns into nights,  seasons changes, and life goes on. But take your time, heal, fight and stand again.

I also want you to know it's okay to not run in the marathon of life. We can just walk sometimes. It's all okay!! The goal of life shouldn't be huge bags full of money, luxurious cars and a big mansion but rather it should be contentment, health and strength.

Shruti, the world is full of different types of people. Some will be too rude, some will be too compassionate, some will never understand you and someone will never need words to understand how you are feeling. This is my second advise, always choose people who are as gentle as you are and carry a same heart as yours. Life will be simple because with some people life is really simple, no complexities. They will fit in your puzzle and thats how you will find your tribe.
Be very wise with regard to who you choose to spend your time with. Some people will really calm your nervous system. And also it's okay to outgrow people! Learn to let go of everything that doesn't serve you and your highest good.

Shruti family is everything. They are the only people whom you will find loving you even on days when the entire world would be standing against you. Family will always be there, thats way they are called as home. I hope you always spend time with them. Aging is the saddest thing not because i am scared of getting old but because i see my parents getting old. I want them to always be healthy and young. Maybe it's too much to ask for. But i want you to spend more time with them. They will be your home, your calm place and someone you can always count on.

At the end, i want to say, Shruti live, laugh and work hard for everything you want but always take little time out and connect with the nature. It will soothe your heart. Always look around yourself and see how everything is blooming and beautiful. Always have faith in this universe, you are his child, he will never do injustice to you, trust him, he will give you enough strength to carry on with your battles. You are never alone because he will always look after you. Also take time out for yourself too. Solitude is mediation! Cook weird recepes that you want, it's good! Write more, sing as much as you want, dance like noone's watching, laugh and crack hilarious jokes. It's legal!! Lol!. These will be the days you will look back at fondly with time.

With love
Your older self


  1. I really enjoyed reading this...,I had a rollercoaster of emotions while reading it. So, keep writing, and remember, everything will be alright..💌


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