i wanted to be someone's poem

I think i have written enough for everyone i loved, i embraced pain bravely and so somedays i was so proud of that, i even overenjoyed my racing heart and the butterflies in my belly. 

I wrote, i scrapped, i burnt every word in love, grief, and agony. Poets can create poetry, poets can deface them too. But there's no big poet than this heart, because it doesn't forget, it doesn't erode, it only creates poetry sometimes in love, sometimes in missing, sometimes in rage but all it does is to remember everyone more than my head.

I want to be someone's poetry
No, no  dont dedicate me one from books and letters of old lovers of 80's and 90's 
Write me one
Know about my skin, know about me, my name, my smile and the curves of my body, know how my eyes lit up in dark, know me when i overthink, know me when i ride my bike, know me when i play my playlist, know me when i lay bare in bed, know me when my eyes cry, know me when my pens can't write, know me when i only hear, know me when i can't stop talking, know how my fingers interlock in yours, know me what my eyes are searching for, know me when my heart beats over your chest, know me when i am frustrated with life, know me when i secretly write a bucket list, know me when i am angry, know me when i cook weird recepies, know me when i say leave me alone, know me when i say don't go, know me when i sleep with lights on, know me when i ask if we will last, know me who i am, know me before you write. This is what poetry is.

Someday i will be someone's poetry, someday someone will also write about me, then scrap those letters in anger when i will be gone. But he won't burn those pages because that will be burning his own heart. He will think about me often, fondly, angrily, happily, nostalgically, but he will think about me daily. He will promise himself to never write about me, but he will break his own promise, he will write about me. Someday i will be someone's poetry and he will hope we will last forever for long.
                  song i was listening to


  1. You were the poet for so long. I understand your heart must've been tired by now. It's okay, rest, someone someday will again make your heart race. But that time time, i am sure you wont only be the poet, that time you will be the poem too. Love you♡

  2. You deserve to be loved..,you deserve to be someone's poem...,and now I'll say that I'm rooting for you...💞💫

  3. My heart belongs to you for long. Wish i could say this in persons but you know i will love you till my last breath. You will be my poem, only mine but maybe i wont be yours.


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