tarot cards, fate and us

Will we end up together?
Shuffle shuffle Shuffle (×2)
10 of swords, 8 of swords, 5 of pentacles 
Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle (×4)
4 of cups, 3 of swords, 5 of wands
Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle (×8)
The lovers, the heirophant, the world 

Does he love me?
Cards spread
Pick one
7 of swords 
Pick again
Pick again
King of wands

I always felt 
To know the future 
Is a blessing 
But now I feel
it's a curse too
To know we won't last together 
But to still love you 
a little more than before every next day
Wishing fate will change, 
our paths will coincide 
And then someday when 
i will draw cards like
8 of cups, 3 of swords,
I won't believe in them
To validate our love 
That day I won't lose sleep over cards
That day, I'll be free 
I'll be free
I'll be free
And i'll love us freely 
Without any fear
Without any limitation 
Without any doubt
Without any future 

Until then 
I think i'm not ready
I'm not ready for your love 
Because i'm too fearful of future 
Or perhaps i'm still 
learning to draw the right cards for us

To know the future is like a prison and that's why today is called present. I had a lot of love for tarot cards. It often intrigued me but slowly it took away my present moments because in all those moments i knew my future and i was terrified of it. 
I realized future will happen, one can't escape even if they predict it. Whether it's good or bad, we all have to face it. So until then why not, let's live in this moment, and believe in our gut feeling and let life flow naturally because eventually tarot cards itself says "Nothing is set in stone!" 
This moment when I am writing this is so profound to me. It's 8 October, Sunday, 1:08.AM and I'm embracing this very moment. Goodnight. 


  1. Oh my god, it's sooooo gooddddd!!!! 😩✨️♥️

  2. Enjoy this moment♡⁠ ✨
    with this related song'


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