so the next time i meet someone

So the next time i meet someone 
I hope i meet someone kind
Who knows the language of gentleness 
Touch of empathy
Heart of compassion

Crumbled hearts on the floor
She walks in to hold me close
I thought the world is an apathetic place
With cruel hearts wallking in every lane who would not spare a moment to hurt me again
but you proved me wrong

There are days when i lose my trust 
in human connections but 
there's someone who comes all the way in 
to make me believe in humanity again

Kindness flows in this world 
with so much ease
I have witnessed strangers rooting for me
I have felt energies so pure and safe
There's a home for me in every corner of this world, in every person who hugs me close and only wishes good for me

There is a world for sure where people like me are looking for people like these
There still so much of love here where i am sometimes in people, places and in us

So the next time i meet someone 
I want someone who stays this time
Someone who doesn't leave 
There's this eternal pain that never seems to leave in being left alone when you have been promised forevers on a piece of sheet 
So the next time i meet someone 
I hope that someone wants to stay in my life to witness with me our hearts shattering, crumbling but again fixing, and healing

He said, "I know you didn't 
mean that way that night 
I know i have hurt you unintentionally 
But I will rectify it all
We will build it all together from the start
I won't let it sink, i will pick pieces of you and me and glue it with love "

I think understanding is so rare in this world
To be able to say what you mean without any fear of being misunderstood and judged
To have a love where there are no games to be played, no hearts to race with anxiety and no breaths heavy with shivering hands
To know there is someone out there who have intensions pure like gold and who wants nothing but to stay with you

So the next time i meet someone 
I don't want butterflies in my belly
I hope we both heal each other's heart with patience, care and love
I just want someone who believes in us and the magic we create in this universe 

I want someone who is my home
Who welcomes me with open arms
Where i can lay bare 
with any insecurities and scars
I want someone who knows kindness is synonym of love for me and that is all my soul has craved for ages because people haven't been kind to me, my lovers have betrayed me and i was abandoned in the cold
And perhaps thats why i like everything thats warm, warm food, warm clothes, warm hearts, warm people, warm hands, warm souls, warm intentions, and warm love 

So the next time i meet someone....
I want a kind soul, a warm hand to hold and a shoulder to lean on who makes me believe i am not alone 


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