i want to say all this (100)

1) i hope you never have to lose your closest people.

2) i hope you never take someone you love for granted because that is when two people fall apart.

3) i hope you never have to part ways with your childhood best friend because there should be someone in everyone's life who will remind them of their school days.

4) i hope you never have to feel hesitation in talking to someone with whom you once spent hours talking to.

5)  i hope you always hold yourself accountable for the words you use for someone.

6) i hope you know the secret behind long lasting beautiful friendships is a simple sorry and lot of understanding.

7) i hope you always choose your words wisely.

8) i hope you dont contribute to the hatred of this world.

9) i hope you know that people who end up crying while explaining themselves have hit their lowest, please be gentle to them.

10) i hope you know there is a difference between sympathy and empathy. I hope you choose the second one over the first.

11) i hope you know someone who will pick your call even at 3 in the morning. Such people will make you feel that you are not alone.

12) i hope if someone close to you keeps calling you and you can't pick for any reason, i hope you don't leave them hanging there with their thoughts to contemplate. I hope you would text them, inform them atleast ones.

13) i hope you know, there are people who laugh a lot, people who are the light of a room, they are the ones who can make you laugh even on the most serious occasions of life, i hope you know, such people feel intense depth of emotions. When they are sad, they feel like the whole world is falling apart.
I hope you can just tell them even if not often then just randomly somedays that how you are always there for them, that they are never alone. We are just need such supportive words to hear, nothing more.

14) i hope you get this luxury of expressing how much you feel for someone, how much you love them, how much you miss them, how much they mean to you before it gets too late.

15) i hope if feelings are mutual, and you know this already probably because the other person has already confesed to you, i hope, you dont delay confessing it back. I hope you don't make them feel as if its one sided.

16) i hope you know that when someone who did everything for you, chooses to walk away, it's because you were fine with losing them, it's because they did everything and still lost it. I hope you know it's because you were too careless with their feelings. They kept getting hurt, you kept hurting them.

17) i hope you always know that despite how much you love someone, you can still choose to walk away and choose yourself if you only get hurt there by being with them.

18) one of the most painful lines i have ever heard was from my very close friend whom i was telling how i feel and he ended up stating, i'm mentally sick, i have a mental disorder. I hope your people never take your emotions carelessly because i hope you know it takes so much courage to be able to share how someone feels. Maybe someone really needs you, maybe someone really needs your help.

19) i hope you never make someone have sleepless nights.

20) i hope you know those people who tend to look up at the ceiling in order to prevent those tears from falling from their eyes, they just need someone to hug them, someone to listen to them.

21) i hope you know people you always only listen to everyone's stories, actually they have an ocean full of emotions within them, i hope they someday get a listener too.

22) i hope your old school friends dont always cancel plans at the last moment and make you feel like they don't want to meet you.

23) i hope you know love is about letting go.

24) i hope you never bully someone, i hope you know it's the cheapest thing to pass snide comments on someone's appearance or clothes. 

25) i hope you never ghost anyone and also never get ghosted by someone. It is the worst feeling i have ever experienced.

26) i hope you could hug your close people
 I really want to hug someone,  i miss someone right now. I hope you never have to crave for someone's physical presence even when they are already alive on this planet.

27) i hope you never miss someone who is just by your side, someone who is just there on the other side of the cord because it's the saddest thing in love.

28) i hope when you miss someone so much, you just get your car, scooty , bicycle out or book your tickets directly and go to that person's place, ring their doorbell, and then hug them for the longest hour.

29) i hope doing the 28th one will be as easier for you as it was for me to write it.

30) i hope you know people's opinions dont tell anything about you, it only tells about them.

31) i hope you are moving on from someone or something,  i hope you do it courageously. I hope you don't struggle for long inside feeling the loss of that thing or person.

32) i hope you know overthinkers care the most in this world and so i hope if you are one of them, people are gentle and patient with you,  i hope they understand you and even be an over explainer to you. 

33) i hope you know the world consists of billions of people and so you must know you will meet so many better people, people who will understand you. Replace here better with best. 

34) i hope you know people who makes you laugh are more beautiful than beautiful people.

35) i hope you know time is passing by every second so dont waste another second worrying about things that you can't control.

36) i hope you know that the people you cry for all the time dont deserve your tears, and people who would be deserving of your tears, will never let you cry.

37) i hope you know that a joke that hurts someone is not a joke. I hope you apologise with generosity and kindness.

38) i hope your close people always choose you back and if not, i hope you always choose yourself.

39) i hope you know that if your friend feels like s/he is no longer your friend, you must take it as your responsibility to address why s/he is feeling that way. Because it a friend's duty to not let their friends ever feel like this. It is hurtful feeling because i have felt it. 

40) i hope you know that even after telling your friend how you feel bad, they dont do anything, they dont address it, they dont make you feel better, and you continue to tell them hoping they will understand you someday, then they aren't your friends, sorry.

41) i hope you know efforts are everything and everyone is not going to have a heart like yours so accept them for who they. No everyone is going to have the same value systems as you.

42) i hope you know broken hearts do heal. The only two medicines they need are time and self love.

43) i hope you know happiness and sadness both come one after another. You just need to be patient. I promise if you are sad right now, happiness is just on the way. 

44) i hope you know feelings aren't cringe. Don't congest them in your heart, you are missing out on the pleasure and satisfaction one gets after confessing it all out.

45) i hope you know people can't read your mind, so know if you dont tell how you feel, they will never know.

46) i hope you know detachment means you no longer handover the remote of your emotions in people's hands.

47) i hope you know implementing the 46th point is the toughest thing to do but it will bring you bliss, solace and satisfaction.

48) i hope you know money is not the important thing but it is necessary for accessing all the important things of life like healthcare and education. Work on your career.

49) i hope you know ego will take away the most beautiful connections of your life. Dont wait for him or her to call first. Go, call them and talk with honesty.

50) i hope you know that if you are in love and feel drained then you are overdoing everything and carrying all the burden of the connection alone.

51) i hope you know that some people rise by lifting others and some rise by pulling others down. I hope you become the first kind.

52) i hope you become the reason behind someone's smile, laughter and not pain and hatred.

53) i hope you know you will always be a villian in some stories no matter how much good you try to do. So let it be! 

54) i hope you know that whether someone forgives you or not, you must forgive yourself. It is very important.

55) i hope you know that people, opportunities and things meant for you will never leave you, will never go away. Believe me.

56) i hope you know it's peaceful to let things flow and no longer chase or try to control anything.

57) i hope you know the pain you are going through will heal, you will get over it for sure.

58) i hope you know that the dangerous people in this world aren't those who abandons you but rather those who will not let you go but also will never treat you right. They will keep you emotionally disturbed.

59) i hope you are kind to your head.

60) i hope you know that there's always someone for you, and that someone is no one else but you first.

61) i hope you dont break promises. I still want to believe in this stupid thing because someone once told me before breaking his promise that, " promises are just meant to be broken. "

62) i hope you reach before time if you go to meet someone, dont make someone wait for hours. It's so disrespectful.

63) i hope you always respect people's efforts and time if you want yours to be respected. 

64) i hope you know that sometimes you will never end up with some people, no matter how much you love them. That perhaps is one of the most saddest things about this world and love stories.

65) i hope you take afternoon naps. It reminds me of my childhood days. I feel nostalgic now.

66) i hope you also write yourself a letter. I know the idea will always feel bizarre to you but do it ones, you will like it. And if you still don't like it, repeat it again until you like it.
Wonder why having a conversation with yourself is so tough? Why are you so disconnected to yourself ?

67) i hope you know you can always complain to your close people when they hurt you. This is your right.

68) i hope no matter how many times you get into arguments with your close people, things always get solved.

69) i hope you do forget the phone numbers of people you are trying to forget so that you don't end up calling them again.

70) i hope you know some of your favorite people will only become your memories.

71) i hope you never fall into one sided things.

72) i hope you stay healthy because that is really a great luxury. Take care of your health, eat healthy! Dont smoke, dont drink.

73) i hope you know that your words can always motivate someone, so do it, your words have so much power. Dont demotivate someone, or make them feel inferior or worthless.

74) i hope you know someone best will come in your life, who will really going the fight the whole world for you, but until then take care of yourself, love yourself,  have fun and fight for yourself.

77) i hope you know single life is also 
so much fun. You get to flirt, you get lot of independence and dont have to think about anyone. Embrace this phase too.

78) i hope you know some people will always misunderstand you no matter what but i hope those people dont come out to be your closest ones. 

79) i hope you know spiderman, batman, shaktiman, they are all you. You are your own hero. 

80) i hope you take yourself out on dates.

81) i hope you are confident in who you are.

82) i hope you know, it's okay to outgrow people. It is painful but the bitter reality of life.

83) i hope you are not like me who makes the saddest songs playlist.

84) i hope your friends participate in your happiness. I hope they dont envy you.

85) i hope you help people out there in this world because maybe you are the angel chosen for them.

86) i hope no one makes you feel stupid for being excited for something.

87) i hope you dont anxiously wait for someone's message. I turned off all the message notifications on my phone. No more vibration, its peaceful now.

88) i hope you get sound sleep and sometimes see your favorite people in your dreams.

89) i hope you know new beginnings start from some endings.  

90) i hope you meet people who accepts you and loves you for who you are.

91)  i hope you romanticize yourself and your life.

92) i hope you still go out to play even if you are in your late twenties.

93) i hope you know its okay to laugh on yourself sometimes. Dont take everything so seriously.

94) breathe, breathe, breathe.

95) keep yourself hydrated.

96) never doubt yourself, you are capable of everything you dream of. Dont compare yourself with anyone because you aren't beautiful like them, you are beautiful like you.

97) singing wrong lyrics is also fine. Tell them i said.

98) if you are panning to say final goodbye to someone, talk to them once, go meet them once and please, please please, do hug them, then maybe you will end up saying hello instead of a goodbye.

99)  go hug your mom and dad.

100) i know hugging your dad will be awkward and tough.


  1. 18, 39 made me cry almost. I'm unable to choose my fav ones to mention here because all are my favorites 💓. My heart is melting. Wow!!!

  2. Pleased and grateful in a way that makes me speechless for your emotions :" take this cookie 🍪 I'm proud of u

    1. Shruti Sanchali: it means a lot. Thankyou ❤️💫❤️‍🩹


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