the same page

When i think about you
My heart blooms with love
We were not right people at the wrong time
We were just wrong people 
who were always 
pretending to be right

The last time we talked
It ended up with just one line, 
" we are not on the same page " 

There are people we meet, people we love, people we genuinely care about,  but we don't end up on the same page. What do you mean by the same page?  It's like, we are different stories, and everytime i turn the page, one of us is left behind. 

I never understood why some people couldn't be in our life and so i was always terrified of losing them. I held onto them for as long as i could, so tightly that it started hurting me but it was too late when i realised that they gave up on me long ago

It's raining here at my place and i am tempted with the desire of talking to you. 
I don't believe in destinies but if mine ever existed in this world, i wish i could change it for us. 

If you are in love but you feel burdened then probably you are carrying all the weight alone. This is also what it is called to not be on the same page. 

We try so hard to fix in some people's puzzel that we change our shapes. I deformed myself for you and still we parted ways. 

To wherever you are tonight, i hope you always find the right people, people who will fix into your puzzle without needing to change, people who will be on the same page as you, people with whom feelings will reciprocate, and people who will never leave you alone.

Our story has ended
But i wish i could add " for now " in the above line, hoping that we will again cross paths someday but anyways if you are reading it, don't cling to that hope because life is really crazy and it has got some crazy plans for us.

I hope to meet you again
But i hope we dont 
Forgetting is not easy,
When there's so 
much to remember everyday

You are everywhere in my life 
Memories makes me weep at times
But reality hits me hard 
We are people who walked away 
And I don't know when, when 
i got so tired, so tired of us

Remember, all stories begin to end 
Some with a happy ending 
And some with sad 
But I would always believe 
ours was always sadly incomplete 

— wish i could change the book
— wish i could have us on the same page


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