the lost friend

Losing someone feels the same whether you have known them for days, years, months or just weeks because when you lose them, the ache is still the same. 

How do we outgrow people? Well, there are no perfect steps if you aren't doing it intentionally.

I pass by our school
It reminds me of you
Your house is just 21 mins far
But i don't know you
Because you hesitate saying hi
I think you don't know me too
It's been 7 years now
And we delete the messages we type
But still
Somedays, in the amidst of all the chaos of my life, i still think of you

I remember my sister once said to me, " life is a circle, we begin as strangers, then friends and then strangers again " 

And perhaps for most of the people in your life who would slowly slip away, you would never have any clue for what and where it all went wrong. Some nights, you'll just send them a random hi hoping they'll revert back.

The world is a big place, i felt it the day you changed your phone number and i couldn't ever reach you since then. We got lost somewhere. Hey, how are you doing lately?


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