
My days and nights 
are all immersed in poetries
I think i have got nothing more in my life 
Than my greed of always being by your side

I spread your memories on my pillow
When i struggle with my sleep

Loving you was the most sweetest feeling i have ever had and still feel. The butterflies in my stomach, the constant blush on my cheeks, the desire to show up as the most perfect women you'll ever meet and my deep desperation to say the most cringiest pick up line i ever memorized thrice on my way to you. It is what it is 
to fall in love with you, my beloved

Loving you was like wanting to tell you about my days, about my favorite colour, about my favorite food, about my family, about my childhood, about my sadness, about the excitement, and about every trivial thing that happened to me without even waiting for you to ask.

But I also want to know everything about you, everything that makes you, everything that cheers you up, everything that puts you down, everything that makes your world fall apart, everything that makes you dance, everything that you are passionate about, everything that makes you sad, everything that you couldn't forget, and everything that wounded your heart.

Loving someone is weird because you tend to do stupid things but still i don't believe in a love that doesn't drive you crazy. 

I am writing letters to you
Because probably i don't know
how else to flaunt my love for you
You are forever in my words, in my memories, in my poems, and in my diaries, my love
And i would never believe in eternities 
If " my love for you " doesn't define it,
Because it was eternal for you

They say energy can neither be created nor be destroyed and therefore i say, there's no end to us, we are touching infinities in the sky, and i don't believe in a hell and heaven that can separate us, we will always be here, in this moment until this sky doesn't fall down, until these waves don't stop by the land forever, until these tides dont stop rising up, until the ground doesn't split into two halves and the sun here above our head doesn't freeze. 
" We are eternal "

I don't believe in anything more superior than the humanly love in our hearts, i don't believe in anything more heinous than separating two people who love each other. 

My beloved, you are always free, because there's no love that ties one down. 
( love is freedom )


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