
Showing posts from July, 2024

कभी किसी दिन / someday or one day

कई सालों बाद, जब तुम अपनी यादों को टटोलोगे, उसकी गहराई में जाओगे, बिना किसी वजह, यूँ ही एक दिन, तब तुम एक एहसास पाओगे, उसकी याद का एहसास। और उस वक़्त एक सवाल होगा दिल में: क्या वोभी तुम्हें याद करता होगा? ज़िंदगी कुछ ऐसी ही है। आज तुम जिसे भूल गए हो, वो कल, कभी, या किसी दिन तुम्हें ज़रूर याद आएगा। और जो तुम्हें भूल गए हैं, वो तुम्हें कभी, किसी दिन, यूँ ही आँगन में बैठे या दफ़्तर से लौटते समय, या किसीको अपनी जिंदगी की कहानी सुनाते हुए या शाम में आसमान को निहारते हुए, यूँ ही कभी तुम्हे याद करेंगे। तब वो भी यही सवाल लिए सोच में डूबे होंगे: क्या वोभी मुझे याद करती होगी? क्या वो वोभी मुझे याद करता होगा? After some years, one day you will dive into your memories, exploring their depths for no particular reason, just out of the blue. You will find a feeling, a trace of someone’s memory. At that moment, a question will arise in your heart, and you'll wonder if they too think of you. Life is just like this. The people you have forgotten today will come to your mind tomorrow, someday, for no

"missing" was a person

You can miss someone  But only like a guest  And never let "missing" be the only feeling to consume you all alone But not sometimes, but often, missing stays in you like your only friend and you forget it was meant to be a guest So when missing enters in your body, It looks for noone but your heart  And there it goes to sleep To end it's long exhaustion  Because it is tired Because it is like a lost nomad who finally found a home Read it again, I said home, and not a mere house It's a huge feeling of happiness when a nomad finds a home And so only a nomad, a lost nomad, can feel how "missing" felt that day when it also found a home in you. It fell asleep in your heart It was a warm place for it It took a last breath there And never woke up again It died a painful, yet a peaceful death It got buried in your heart Whether you knew it or not. Since that date, it's there within you and someone's memory never left you. I know, you still think of them some